Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Human Body And The Immune System - 952 Words

The Fundamentals: When a person is sick, their first course of action is usually to take medication. While medication can aid in sickness, the human body is actually built to naturally defend itself using the immune system. The immune system is comprised of biological structures and processes that protect the body from pathogens which cause disease or sickness. As much as the immune system does to protect us, it is the chief hurdle of transplantation of living cells from one organism to another. The immune system recognizes anything foreign put into the body as a threat that must be removed. Consequently, transplanted tissue or organs meant to save a life are often attacked and rejected by the recipient’s body. The immune system is a hodgepodge of different structures and pathways that work together as a unit. It recognizes foreign objects that enter the body through antigens. Apart from identical twins, no two people contain the exact same antigens [Adams 2011]. Once foreign antigens are noticed by the immune system antigen receptors, T cells and B cells, it begins creating antibodies. Antibodies are also called immunoglobulins and are proteins produced by white blood cells, which locate the antigens on the surface of the foreign object and either neutralizes the threat directly or tags the antigen to be destroyed by other immune system agents. Allotransplanting is the process of transplanting living cells, tissues, or organs from one human being to another. This processShow MoreRelatedThe Immune System Of The Human Body1257 Words   |  6 Pages Immune System Monica Salazar BIO1021 Dr. Kimberly Snead McDaniel South University Online We are examining the role the immune system plays within the general day to day operation of the human body. Further examination of the impaired immune system s profound negative impact on the whole body system, will also be delineated. 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