Friday, December 27, 2019

Effects Of Aging On The Elderly Population - 888 Words

Introduction Several aspects of aging can be debilitating for the elderly population, as they often include loneliness, general decline, and lack of social support (Anisman, 2014). The senior population, already at large, is projected to surpass that of other age groups and increase the burden on our health care system. Only a small proportion of individuals age successfully, with the majority experiencing a spectrum of cognitive impairments that can manifest into neurodegenerative disorders. This is due to a broad range of factors, including genetic and environmental determinants that ultimately shape the aging process. The hippocampus, a subcortical brain region, is responsible for mediating memory consolidation, spatial navigation, and to some extent learning (Kolb and Whishaw, 2013). It is particularly impaired in old individuals and the focus of numerous experiments aimed at delaying degeneration or alternatively enhancing neurogenesis. This limbic structure is readily influenced by the stre ss response, namely the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis (Kolb and Whishaw, 2013). Aged individuals tend to exhibit elevated levels of corticosteroids, which promote hippocampal deterioration (Cameron and McKay, 1999). A specific region within the hippocampus, the dentate gyrus, is unique in that it not only succumbs to such effects but continues to undergo neurogenesis (Cameron and McKay, 1999). However, the rate of neurogenesis is reduced if not inhibited in oldShow MoreRelatedAmerica s Treatment Of The Elderly925 Words   |  4 PagesThere is a perceived notion that Eastern societies view aging in a positive aspect, while Western societies view aging in a negative light. Although there is much emphasis on respect for elders on the Confucian societies, however, does East Asia’s treatment of the Elderly really differ from North America’s treatment? 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It is a fact of life that all living organisms age. I will, you will, we all will. Some better or worse than others, but all humans grow older, develop, and change during their lifespans. In the lecture â€Å"Aging in America†, Hague (2017) argues those born between the years of 1946 and 1964 are known as t he Baby Boomer generation, and until December 2029, 10,000 of them will turn 65 years old each day. With an average life expectancy of 79.8 years in the UnitedRead More The Effects of Wyoming’s Aging Population Essay examples1226 Words   |  5 PagesThe Effects of Wyoming’s Aging Population With new medical technology and improved knowledge about health and wellness, American’s life expectancy is longer than ever, with a better expected quality of life as well. Wyoming is the fastest aging state in the country according to the Billing’s Gazette. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

My Vacation to China Essay - 727 Words

While vacationing in China last summer I had the opportunity to visit The Great Wall. Combined with its technological feat and awesome presence the Great Wall could easy be one of mans most remarkable accomplishments. With its design and texture that stretch for miles it can be an overwhelming experience. Construction of the Great Wall started in the seventh century B.C, it joined the walls to hold off the invaders from the Xiongnu tribes in the north and extended them to more than 5,000 kilometers. Even many miles away from the Great Wall, one could already see the outline of the wall stretching out forever. Standing near the Great Wall I notice the cold stale air. It was hard to breathe and I had to constantly cough to keep my†¦show more content†¦Touching my hand against the hard brick wall, the texture of the brick was something I never felt before. The style in which the ancient Chinese constructed brick, it with stood the age of time and also forcing enemies from the n orth. While still pressing my hand against the brick I notice how cold and freezing the brick was. You could place your hand on the same place, but if to long your hand would start to freeze up. Bricks that were used to create the sidewalls were different then the ones made for the walkway. Every half-mile stood tower post where the ancient Chinese warriors would look out for attacks. There are no windows, and for emergencies there are rope ladders that can be tossed over the wall for escaping or warning the city of attack. You could smell the odor that seems to rise up from the bricks, also the damp musty smell of surrounding forest that you cant escape from. The smell is tolerable and the only thing I tried to avoid was stepping into large puddles of water, even though there were old men and women using what looks like a makeshift broom to shuffle the water into the water ducts. The water didnt mind me as much as the walk up and down the walkway. If youre going to visit the Great Wall of China I advise that you be in good psychical condition. Because the Great Wall goes on for sixteen miles and most of the walk is up hill. I notice that the local townspeople use the walkway for an exercise facility.Show MoreRelatedEuro Disney Case Study1430 Words   |  6 Pagesview EuroDisney as â€Å"American imperialism—plastics at its worst† * Advertising by EuroDisney aggravate local French sentiment by emphasizing glitz and size instead of the attractions * The Gulf War in 1991: * Put a heavy break on vacation for the rest of the year * High interest rates and devaluation against the franc * Competition due to â€Å"The World’s Fair† in Seville and the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona * Ban on alcohol goes against French culture * Disney executivesRead MoreCase2 the Not-so-Wonderful World of Eurodisney1743 Words   |  7 PagesEuropes leading tourist destinations. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Natural Beauty Shop Free-Samples for Students-Myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Management People Organizations. Answer: Introduction Managing an operation requires much more than just the strategies. It requires an utmost feeling transformation from the higher management of the Company to the lower level staffs. The generation of feeling towards the utmost goal of the organization is perhaps the most important factor beside a solid strategy, which governs the success of an operation (Goetsch Davis, 2014). The assignment is on the natural beauty shop, which is based in Australia. Maggie has led the Company to an enormous height. The unattained success, which her Company did fetch, has also encouraged her for setting up another branch of the Company in UK. The concept then gave way to the inception of tony Smith in the Company as a Managing Director in the UK part. The newly hired manager did make some changes in the organization; however, the natural beauty shop did face a losing grip on the customers demand. The main purpose of this assignment is to identify the necessary problem in the organization in the UK part and some necessary solutions to the problems identified. Moreover, the assignment would also help the Company with some necessary recommendations. The proposed recommendations would also be shown some ways for its implementation in the organization. 1.Problem Identification Analysis Problem 1 Autocratic style of leadership is the one problem, which is hampering and changing the entire process of the Company. The main problem with this kind of leadership is the style of leadership, which is not possible and feasible to the present kinds of business environment. This is exactly the major problem for the natural beauty shop in UK, which also hurt the emotions and the attachments of some employees (Mowday, Porter Steers, 2013). Problem 2 Several changes in the team, which was mainly focussed on selecting the inexperienced students of colleges and universities. The hiring of inexperienced students is another problem, which has damaged the quality production of the Company (Giacalone Rosenfeld, 2013). Problem 3 Involvement of unethical actions in the supply chain management was perhaps the biggest problem, which the Company is facing. This is because if the fact that Tony hired one of his friends for the position of supply chain management director. The hired director was inexperienced, which probably resulted in its unethical move in the entire process of supply chain (Miles, 2012). Statement of Problem Tony is an autocratic leader, which does not believe in involving others as well as giving values to their works. This has changed many a thing in the organization. The incepted changes then resulted in the unexpected and undesired outcomes. The natural beauty shop is close to the heart of Maggie but the performance of Tony has made her worried about the future of the Company (Mone London, 2014). Solutions Solutions for Problem 1 Autocratic style of leadership Solutions The problem is related to the nature of Tony, which indeed is a challenging task for the Maggie. Maggie could not think of hiring another new managing director for the UK site. She indeed needs to find some way out of the problem. This is for such reasons that Maggie should look for the three needs theory application into the organization. Solution 1 Application of three needs theory in the organization to govern practically the proceedings of Tony is perhaps one of the best solutions to the identified problem. Three needs theory is about achievement, power and affiliation. This theory governs a fact that threw are the most important desire for the employees working in the organization. Achievement Tony needs to incept the importance of organizational and personal achievement in employees. Tony needs to motivate its employees, which the MD was not doing during its entire association with the natural beauty shop. Motivating to employees for the organizational and the personal achievement are perhaps a very handful weapon to drive a quality work from employees (Truss et al., 2013). Affiliation Employees can be motivated through different process such as monetary benefits and affiliation works. Affiliation is perhaps one of the best solutions to the problem identified in the leadership style of Tony. It would not only help Tone in making a collaborative approach towards the organizational objectives but would also encourage other employees for the same. This indeed is important for teamwork. Nevertheless, a collective approach of all the employees and the higher management is perhaps the best way a Company can dream to excel into its performance (Sageer, Rafat Agarwal, 2012). Power Imparting the belief of power both with the interaction with the employees and by giving values to their work with intrinsic and extrinsic kinds of motivation are one of the most powerful weapon for the organizational excellence. This has remained as one potential problem for Tone as the MD cut down on the incentives on the sales achievement. Apart from that, Tony also reduced the minimum wages. These were two bold changes, which damaged the operation of the natural beauty shop in UK. An organization can never prosper if its employees are not behaved in the rightly manner. The needs of employees require to be fulfilled in order to achieve the maximum of their outputs (Cummings Worley, 2014). Solution 2 Situational theory of leadership is another solution to the problem identified in the leadership style of Tony. Situational theory suggests that leaders should act in accordance to the surrounding circumstances. The theory speaks on the adaptability nature, which is very important for leaders to remain effective in all sorts of situations. The lowering performance of the Company is a constraint to its operation in UK. However, the inception of situational leadership styles in the practice of Tony would certainly open up ways for the improvement. A close look on the organizational operation would suggest that the biggest problem in the UK site of the Company is the style of leadership, which is hampering the motivational level of employees (Schuler, Farr Smith, 2013). Solution 3 Organizational culture theory is another solution for the leadership style of working of Tony, which is contributing in big numbers in the poor performance of the Company in UK. Organizational culture theory did consider some added things apart from the members of the organization. This is perhaps causing the major problem for the Company. The hiring of Wallace as the director of supply chain was just because of the relation, which the director had with Tony. Tony did also exclude the additional monetary benefits from the organization followed by cut down on the minimum wages. Tony failed in realizing the importance of culture. The MD preferred its personal relationship to the organizational values. The theory suggests on considering the behaviours and activities of all the members of organizational also. This is very helpful for the organizational betterment as these govern the importance of organizational culture, which is very important for analyzing the potential member of the or ganization. It also helps in retaining the most usable member in the organization (Heizer Barry, 2013). Solutions for problem 2 Hiring of inexperienced students Solution 1 Career development program is the one solution to the particular identified problem. The hiring of inexperienced students from colleges and universities was perhaps an unacceptable move of Tony towards the selection of employees. Highly skilled employees are a asset for the organization. The natural beauty shop in UK is suffering of highly skilled employees as the MD concentrated mainly on hiring the students from colleges and universities. The reason behind this move was just to reduce the expenditures on employees. This is indeed such a move; which can never do well for an organizational performance. However, it is also not feasible to change the entire team of the Company. Inception of career development program would perhaps an ideal move by the MD, as this would educate employees on the required skills for the operation (Rajhans, 2012). Solution 2 Applying the Maslows hierarchy of needs is another potential option to cut down on the shortages of skilled employees. The application of the theory in the organizational practices apart from career development program can work well in the prosperity of the organization. The Maslows hierarchy of needs speak about five requirement of employees, which they expect from the organization. The actions of Tony have caused a lot of problem, which also affected the overall output of the organizational performance. The theory speak about five necessary requirements for employees such as physiological, safety, social, esteem and self-actualization. The physiological needs are related to the physical requirement of employees, which also include the reliable workplace atmosphere, proper time for the relaxation and proper breaks. This also contains the work life balance, which is indeed very productive in motivating the works of employees. Safety is another important aspect, which employee needs i n the organization. This is not only limited to the physical safety but it is also related to the job security as well. Social needs are very important for a collective workforce in the organization. It strengthens the relationship in between the employees and the higher management. Esteem is perhaps one of the vital factors, which motivates employee. The natural beauty shop is devoid of such quality as it is engaged in reducing the values of each employee. Employees working in the Company do not find any recognition to their valuable efforts and works. Self-actualization is another important factor, which motivates the self-belief of employees working in the organization. The unethical behaviours with employees have affected their morale, which has also affected the organizational performance (Welford, 2016). Solution 3 HR development is another very important move for the Company, which would ensure the selection of skilled employees in the organization. The natural beauty shop is suffering of the unavailability of skilled staffs because of the operational style of Tony. The organization seriously needs the inception of some skilled employees, which could actually add some values to the organizational practices. The human resource department needs to be encouraged on hiring the skilled employees for the Company. The HR should also encourage the conduction of career development program on a regular basis as this has identified as a potential solution against the low skilled availability in the organization (Dale, 2015). Recommendations To change the leadership style of Tony from autocratic style to the situational style of leadership To recruit some skilled graduates To enhance the development of HRM practices To incept the career development program To motivate employees by means of both the intrinsic and extrinsic rewards Implementation The leadership style of Tony is difficult to change, as it is his natural behaviour. However, Maggie can take some time out of her busy schedule s and sit with Tony. Maggie can motivate Tony for the adoption of situational kinds of leadership. Maggie can also motivate Tony by offering some monetary benefits to him. However, Maggie should make this clear that all these benefits are only for the implementation of the required changes (Dozier, Grunig Grunig, 2013). HRM of the company should encourage for hiring the skilled graduates, which could add values to the organizational practices. The development of HRM should be provided with some necessary allocations of resources, which could help the department in making the decisions. The financial backups, change in the payment structure, change in the monetary benefits and the support from the management on all the useful activities could well encourage the development of the HRM (Griffin, 2013). Career development program can be managed in the Company with the help from the management, as the development program would require some necessary investments. The management would check the feasibility of the program with the organizational monetary resources. Inclusion of reward system in the existing system of the HRM would provide the implementation of the monetary benefits in the Company. Reward system can be implemented in the organization with the help of management, which is important for the approval of the changes in the monetary benefits. Nevertheless, Tony had stopped all the monetary benefits soon after he took the charge of the MD (Hill, Jones Schilling, 2014). Conclusion Managing people in the organization is perhaps one of the most challenging tasks, which the management of the Company can have. Nevertheless, the management needs to follow the fundamental beliefs behind managing the workforce. This is because of the fact that the Company is suffering of the unavailability of skilled employees. Moreover, the result was because of series of incapable decisions of Tony in the direction of employees management References Cummings, T. G., Worley, C. G. (2014).Organization development and change. Cengage learning. Dale, B. (2015).Total quality management. John Wiley Sons, Ltd. Dozier, D. M., Grunig, L. A., Grunig, J. E. (2013).Manager's guide to excellence in public relations and communication management. Routledge. Giacalone, R. A., Rosenfeld, P. (2013).Impression management in the organization. Psychology Press. Goetsch, D. L., Davis, S. B. (2014).Quality management for organizational excellence. Upper Saddle River, NJ: pearson. Griffin, R. W. (2013).Fundamentals of management. Cengage Learning. Heizer, R., Barry, R. (2013).Operation Management, Sustainability and Supply Chain management(Vol. 11). Pearson, UK. Hill, C. W., Jones, G. R., Schilling, M. A. (2014).Strategic management: theory: an integrated approach. Cengage Learning. Miles, J. A. (2012).Management and organization theory: A Jossey-Bass reader(Vol. 9). John Wiley Sons. Mone, E. M., London, M. (2014).Employee engagement through effective performance management: A practical guide for managers. Routledge. Mowday, R. T., Porter, L. W., Steers, R. M. (2013).Employeeorganization linkages: The psychology of commitment, absenteeism, and turnover. Academic press. Rajhans, K. (2012). Effective organizational communication: A key to employee motivation and performance.Interscience Management Review,2(2), 81-85. Sageer, A., Rafat, S., Agarwal, P. (2012). Identification of variables affecting employee satisfaction and their impact on the organization.IOSR Journal of Business and Management,5(1), 32-39. Schuler, H., Farr, J. L., Smith, M. (Eds.). (2013).Personnel selection and assessment: Individual and organizational perspectives. Psychology Press. Truss, C., Alfes, K., Delbridge, R., Shantz, A., Soane, E. (2013).Employee engagement in theory and practice. Routledge. Welford, R. (Ed.). (2016).Corporate Environmental Management 2: Culture and Organization. Routledge.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Stakeholder analysis

Problem statement Bit Torrent technology is a technology developed to enable users to share big files over networks. The files to be shared are however patented, under copyright and owned by media houses. This then makes implementation of the technology very tricky because whereas it may be useful and probably offer convenience, it could also lead to infringement of copyright laws.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Stakeholder analysis specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Introduction Stakeholder analysis involves identifying the parties that have interests in the project (Resource papers in action, 2003). It is vital that as many stakeholders as possible be identified and be involved in the analysis so as to increase the chances of success of the project in question (Larry, 2000). In the above stated case, the main stakeholders were identified as: The media houses. The bit torrent technology inventors. Media regulat ing agencies. Projected beneficiaries of the bit torrent technology. Network administrators. Law enforcement agencies. Copyright law enforcers. All these stakeholders have to be categorised according to how much the project is going to affect them and how much influence they have on the project (Dick, 1997). This then allows for them to be categorised as follows: Stakeholders of high importance and high influence. Stakeholders of high importance but little influence. Stakeholders of high influence but low importance. Stakeholders of low importance and low influence. Stakeholder analysis matrix (Nzaid tools, 2007) Stake holder importance Amount of influence Intend to see the project succeed Media houses High High +/- Technology inventors High High + Media regulating agencies High Medium Neutral Law enforcement agencies Low Low Neutral Copyright law enforcers Low High neutral Projected beneficiaries of the bit torrent technology high Low + The analysis All the abo ve stakeholders are important in any analysis because they determine if the project succeeds or not in spite of whether they are of importance or not. Stakeholders of high influence and high importance are those that are directly affected by the project and are also in a position to highly affect whether or not the project goes through (Fletcher et al., 2003). From the above list, the stakeholders that can be deemed of high importance and varying influence (Land care research, 2000) may be: The media houses the bit torrent technology inventors Media regulating agencies Copyright law enforcers The media houses are very important because some of the files to be shared by the technology are under copy right and owned by them. They own the material that makes the technology relevant and therefore have very high influence on whether the technology works or not (Social Development Department, 1995). If they decide to completely halt the process by claiming their right of ownership of th e files, then the project would fail because the technology would be irrelevant if there is no material to be shared.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The bit torrent is another important group because they have the technology to develop the project. If they decide to halt the technology and not develop it, then the project would be in vain because there would be no technology to advance it.They therefore has a very high influence on whether or not the project goes through. Media regulating agencies on the other hand are important even though they will not be directly affected by the technology. Their role in this would be to ensure that whatever is agreed upon by the stakeholders of high influence and importance is followed by all parties. They would probably have some chance of mediating between the most important stakeholders who in this case would be the technology inven tors and the media houses. Copyright law enforcers have been identified as having very high influence in this particular project even though they are of low importance because it is upon the laws they enforce that the project must be based. If these agencies decide that the project would infringe on the existing laws, then the project would definitely be halted and probably abandoned. They can however in some cases amend the laws to accommodate new projects or also provide some means of mediation to reach an agreement between the stakeholders of high importance and influence. Media regulating agencies and law enforcement agencies however are of very low importance in the project because the project does not affect then directly. Their role is peripheral in just ensuring that the project runs within the law and in a regulated manner in the event that it is successfully appraised. Network administrators are stakeholders of low influence and importance because they only provide the net works for distribution of the files but have no influence on whether the project goes through. They also host other materials other than the shared files and these files would not be their primary business. Last but not least, projected beneficiaries are considered stakeholders of high importance because they would directly benefit from the project by accessing the shared files. They however have very little influence on the project as it is a finished product that would only be availed to them when ready.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Stakeholder analysis specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More References Dick, B., 1997. Stakeholder analysis.  Web. Fletcher, A., et al. 2003. Mapping stakeholder perceptions for a third sector organization, Journal of Intellectual Capital, 4(4), pp. 505 – 527. Land care research,2000, Stakeholder analysis.  Web. Larry, W., 2000, Project Clarity through Stakeholder Analysis . Web. Nzaid tools, 2007, Stakeholder Analysis Process.  Web. Resource papers in action, 2003, Stakeholder analysis.  Web. Social Development Department,1995, guidance note on  how to do stakeholder analysis of aid projects and programmes.  Web.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This report on Stakeholder analysis was written and submitted by user Louis G. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.